Title: The Universe is Expanding and So Am I
Author: Carolyn Mackler
Publisher: Bloomsbury YA
Pub Date: May 29
This book was sent to me by Net Galley for my honest review. Virginia Shreeves is still trying to figure out how to deal with her brother’s date rape charge and suspension from Columbia. Meeting Sebastian, a New York tourist/artist, helps a bit–and the two make a pact not to share their personal dramas. But hiding their personal lives starts to take a toll–one that might end their relationship forever.
Virginia’s voice feels very realistic throughout the text, from her insecurities to her nerdy love of popular culture. She constantly feels like she doesn’t fit in, with her classmates and her own family. Her story is one of triumph, finally finding her voice and that she fits into her family in ways that she never though possible. Virginia’s, and her family’s, growth within this book is what makes the story most appealing.
Though the romance at the core of the story feels a bit fairy tale-esque, readers will get swept up in the New York adventures that Virginia and Sebastian have. They are scenes almost taken right out of a romantic comedy, which definitely will make this book a fun summer beach read.
4.5/5 stars