Stephanie over at The Perpetual Page Turner created this tag for some book fun. Also a good way to learn about the blogger behind the blog, I think! I was tagged by Lauren over at Northern Plunder! It really was perfect timing; I needed a post for today, but was having trouble coming up with something to post.
I’ll tag: Anyone else that wants to complete the tag!
A: Author You’ve Read the Most Books From
According to Goodreads, it’s Brian K. Vaughn. He writes graphic novels and I’ve read two of his full series: Y: The Last Man and Saga. Paper Girls is also on my list!
B: Best Sequel Ever
Umm. This one is hard? But I think I’ll have to go with Catching Fire, because that’s the only book to come to mind at the moment.
C: Currently Reading
I just started The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson. It’s and eARC from NetGalley and I’m so, so excited to read it! I pretty much love everything he publishes (check out my other reviews for him here, here, and here!
D: Drink of Choice While Reading
Coffee pretty much always. Though I have started drinking tea in the evenings.
E: E-Reader or Physical Book
Generally, I prefer physical books. But I have been reading a lot of eBooks this year, via getting comics at the library and getting eARCs instead of physical ones. That just means I always have a book on hand!
F: Fiction Character You Would Have Dated in High School
Wow. This one is hard too. Charlie from Perks of Being a Wallflower, maybe?
G: Glad You Gave This Book a Chance
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. It was a read-along I just finished on Instagram, and I actually really enjoyed it even though I don’t read much in the way of science fiction.
H: Hidden Gem Book
More Than This by Patrick Ness. His other books are a lot more popular, but man, this one is so complex and different than anything else I’ve read. Probably my favorite book from him.
I: Important Moment in Your Reading Life
This is going to be cliche: reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. While it didn’t spark my love for reading, I think it did inspire me for what I want to do for the rest of my life.
J: Just Finished
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, for the aforementioned read-along!
K: Kind of Books You Won’t Read
Probably genre specific books, things like religious fiction, erotic romance, etc. They’re just not up my alley, really.
L: Longest Book You’ve Ever Read
A Storm of Swords, clocking in at 1,177 pages. I listened to it on audio, actually, but I’m still counting it because the audiobook was also very long.
M: Minor Book Hangover Because of
Most recently, Summer Bird Blue by Akemi Dawn Bowman. There was just something about the emotions portrayed in that book that just really got to me.
N: Number of Bookcases You Own
Currently: one, though it covers an entire wall. The majority of my books are in boxes at the moment, because I’m living at my parent’s house.
O: One Book You’ve Read Multiple Times
The Hunger Games, though Harry Potter wins for the most amount of times that I’ve re-read a book.
P: Preferred Place to Read
In my bed, with my cat on my lap and a cup of coffee near by. In the summer, I do like to also read on the beach.
Q: Quote that Inspires You/Gave You All the Feels
Just one?? Okay, here’s one:
“You do not write your life with words…You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.” -Patrick Ness, A Monster Calls
R: Reading Regret
I don’t really have any? Not that are coming to me right this second, anyway. Though maybe we could include Fifty Shades of Grey.
S: Series You’ve Started and Need to Finish
There are two specifically that I want to finish this year: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.
T: Three of Your All Time Favorite Books
I’ve mentioned one, More Than This, but (outside of Harry Potter), I’ll also include The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
U: Unapologetic Fangirl For
Patrick Ness! As an author, anyway. Also for Spider-Man, because he’s my favorite. But I’m still catching up on the comics!
V: Very Excited for This Release
Rayne & Delilah’s Midnight Matinee by Jeff Zentner, which comes out at the end of next month!
W: Worst Bookish Habits
Reading like 5 books at the same time. This was literally me this last week, though it has now dwindled to three.
X: X Marks the Spot! 27th Book on Your Bookshelf
The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. Which is a fantastic book (and movie adaptation!) if you haven’t read it.
Y: Your Latest Book Purchase
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet for the read-along that I just finished on Instagram.
Z: ZZZ Snatched Book: The Last Book that Kept You Up Too Late
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness, even though it was a re-read and I knew what was going to happen. There’s just something about that book that keeps me reading!
Are there any books that you agree or disagree with above? Let me know in the comments!
Well this book tag looks fun! and I didn’t realise that Storm of Swords was that long. That is a monster of a book!
It really is! That one has taken me the longest to get through, out of all the Game of Thrones books.
True on ebooks – you never know when you’ll need a book because a physical book won’t always fit in a pocket! 😉
I love reading on my bed as well! I can move around, switch positions, curl under the blanket if it gets cold, etc.
Exactly my thinking! Having the Kindle app on my phone has always been a lifesaver for those times where you find yourself stuck waiting for something.
And yes! You can mold the pillows to maximize your reading comfort. 🙂