It’s Wednesday, so you know what that means: Top 5 Wednesday featuring love interests! Today’s post is about love interests from books that you would have broken up with. A bit of a break from all the relationship posts I made last week, this one sounds fun and challenging. Check out my other February post here.
I had to think really hard about love interests who were bothersome in books, which hasn’t been many for me lately? Or maybe I just can’t think of them. One of the two. Once again, most of these are from young adult books, but does that surprise you?
Love Interests
Maybe he seemed romantic when I first read this as a young teen, but now? Now, he’s just creepy. I mean, he keeps Bella to himself, watches her sleep, is incredibly overprotective. I wouldn’t want Edward Cullen as my boyfriend no matter how pretty he was.
From my previous posts, you know that I’m 100% a Peeta fan. Did Katniss really date Gale? Not necessarily. But his dark side comes out during the war, and he gets jealous waaaay too easily.
Lavender Brown from Harry Potter
While Lavender Brown wasn’t the first love interest presented in Harry Potter (cough, Cho Chang, cough), she may have been the most annoying. What seemed cute at first soon revealed a highly jealous side, though Ron did definitely hold on way too long.
Lots of anti-heroes from Victorian novels are considered romantic, but are they? Rochester literally locked his wife in an attic, and while you may argue he got what he deserved, Jane still ended up with him. Really?? He didn’t deserve her.
Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
Another Victorian anti-hero, this one idolized by Bella Swan. Heathcliff literally only wants revenge on Catherine and her family. But he’s still romantic? Idk.