I had to think a lot about the topic for today, bookish things I’ve changed my mind on. Because I’m not sure I’ve majorly changed my mind on much?? Maybe it’s more about habits that have changed. Or more about things I like more than before? Something along those lines, I guess.
It’s also May! How is it May already? We’re finally kind of getting more spring-like weather here in Michigan, which is fantastic. I’ve been thinking about changing up my Instagram pictures (I need new inspiration), but I kinda want to do that outside. So! I need nice weather. Come on, Michigan!
But I digress. May will hopefully be another great reading month, so we’ll see what May will bring!
For those who forgot, Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly Meme that’s run by Lainey (Gingerreadslainey), with weekly topics posted in this Goodreads group. The last time I did this was at the beginning of April, with this post!
Bookish Things I’ve Changed My Mind On
I guess I’ve decided to kind of focus on genre-ish aspects of book (like romance, format, etc.). This at least gave me some direction for creating my list!
1. Graphic Novels
Truth time: I didn’t start really reading comics/graphic novels probably until the last five years or so. Originally, they never sparked my interest. I didn’t think I could get into the story in such a short amount of time. Well folks, I was definitely wrong. Though they’re way more expensive, I love graphic novels now. Give me all of them!
2. Romance in Books
When I was in high school, I would get annoyed that every single one of the books I was reading contained a relationship of some sort. I mean, how could anyone be in that many relationships? Now, as an adult, I don’t mind it as much. Does every story lend itself to one? No. But I don’t mind it as much as I once did.
3. Fantasy Books
When I was a kid, all I did was read fantasy. Quite honestly, I couldn’t get enough of it. When Harry Potter came around, this was even more true. Now, I tend to be more drawn toward contemporary, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a great fantasy series. And I’ve read some great ones lately!
4. Nonfiction
This is something that used to always intimidate me, and I would always avoid it like the plague. After all, I wanted my pleasure reading to be fun, not bogged down. Though I haven’t branched out a lot in this aspect, I’ve branched out more than I used to. And I keep working toward it too!
5. Adult Fiction
If you’ve been following me for awhile, you know that I pretty much exclusively read young adult fiction. Or, this used to be the case! I’ve branched out a bit more in recent years, thanks to book clubs and recommendations and the like. I’m reading an adult series right now, and I’m thoroughly enjoying it!
I’m not a great nonfiction reader, but I’ve bought a few titles recently that I’m interested in. I haven’t started any of them yet though (I feel like I took a big step in just buying them…one step at a time).
I do the same thing! I’m always like, this topic sounds interesting, but then I just end up picking something else up to read.
I try to change my mind on adult fiction and non-fiction too! They don’t intimidate me as much as they used to, but I’d love to read more of them 🙂
I’ve been branching out a little bit here and there, but I still largely read/review YA stuff. Which I don’t mind! But I’m trying to diversify my reading, overall. 🙂