This weekend is the 24 in 48 Readathon, which I attempted back in January. However, I didn’t get to 24 hours for the weekend. But! This weekend, I don’t have to work, so I’m confident it can be done. Trying to get as much homework done as possible so that I can just focus on reading this weekend.
Basically, the main goal of this readathon is to read for 24 hours in a period of 48. So, an entire day! Really, the goal is to get people reading and form a sense of community online. It’s really fun, even if you don’t get to the 24 hours in the weekend. Reading is reading! Though, I’d like to say I did it, just once. 😂
I’ve got a planned TBR for this, and I’ll be talked about my TBR for The Reading Rush tomorrow! That’s the new name for Booktubeathon, which I also did last year. Can’t wait to get reading for that next week too!
24 in 48 Readathon TBR
This isn’t going to be a super long list, though I often think I can read more than I actually can. I’ve got some library books I’ve gotta finish, so I’m probably going to focus on that for the weekend.
Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
So I might actually finish this before Saturday, but I’m including it anyway. Just in case. It’s a Japanese steam punk novel, so what else could you ask for?
Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff
I have this entire series from the library, so this is naturally the next book, right? A few people I’m friends with on Instagram have raved about this series, so I finally picked it up.
Endsinger by Jay Kristoff
The final book in the series, and I’m hoping to get to them all this weekend! 😂 Maybe a bit of a large feat, but I think I can do it.
Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff
Okay, you’re probably like, are you having a Jay Kristoff readathon? Because that’s what it seems like. I mean, I guess that’s kind of what it is. We can call it: Amanda’s 24 in 48: The Jay Kristoff edition.