Title: The Legendary Shiver
Author: J.H. MacAl
Publisher: Kindle
Publication date: April 14, 2020
Before becoming renowned singer Shiver Magnata, Ruby was just a teen girl striving to make her name in the world. After all, that’s what would numb the pain.
As she makes her journey to fame, her best friend Will remains her rock. He wants success like Ruby does, but for a different reason: to be worthy of her love.
Haunted by the shady figures in the music industry, Ruby starts to make questionable decisions to maintain her status. Decisions that could ruin not just her career, but her life. Does Will have the courage to stand up to her? To tell her how he really feels before it’s too late? Will Ruby even be willing to listen?
Review: The Legendary Shiver
Thanks to the author, J.H. MacAl for reaching out to me on Instagram to review this book! I’ll admit, I was almost immediately drawn in by the cover. It’s intriguing, making you want to read more beyond the cover. The premise also sparked my interest. It’s true that society is fascinated with the fall of celebrities, and we get an inside look at Ruby’s celebrity journey.
Honestly, Ruby’s story is one that we see time and time again in the news. Both Will’s and Ruby’s desires to make a name for themselves is something I think a lot of people can relate to. MacAl has crafted characters that spill from the page; they’re well-rounded and flawed, but they also grow throughout the book. The characters were probably my favorite thing about this book.
However, the plot also keeps you on your toes throughout. As Ruby gets further into the music business, things get darker. MacAl knows how to hook you at the beginning and keep you hooked until the very end.
4/5 stars