Title: Their Vicious Games
Author: Joelle Wellington
Publisher: SimonTeen
Publication date: July 25, 2023
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Adina Walker had everything going for her: graduating from the prestigious Edgewater academy with acceptance to Yale. At least, until the incident with her ex-best friend Esme. Now, she has nothing to show for her work and no plans for after high school. Except for one thing: the Finish. A competition run by the Remington family, the richest family in New England, to welcome them in their fold.
When Adina is accepted into the Finish, at first she’s ecstatic. It’s her opportunity to gain back everything she’s lost. But when she arrives to the competition, it’s different than she expected. More vicious. A fight to the death. In order to win, she has to be the last woman standing.
Review: Their Vicious Games
Thanks to SimonTeen for an advanced copy of Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington to review! This book is being pitched as Ace of Spades meets Squid Game with a little bit of The Bachelor. At first, I was skeptical of that combination, but it’s actually true to the story. Once you get into the game, this book is difficult to put down!
There is a lot of commentary in this book about class and race and the advantages (and disadvantages) that can come with that. Honestly, the overall tone reminded me of a much darker Selection. There are a lot of twists and turns that keep you guess at every moment in Adina’s story. As the Finish gets more and more dangerous towards the end, it also makes you want to keep reading. Despite being 400 pages, you’ll fly through this book because you will be desperate to know what happens next.
The ending did feel a little bit rushed to me, but that’s the main complaint that I had. Everything else, from the characters to the world building to the pacing, works well to keep you engaged all the way through the story. Are the characters the most likeable? Not necessarily, but they are so interesting to read about. It’s kind of like dark academia with a twist.
All in all, if you’re looking for an engaging thriller to pick up at the end of the summer, definitely keep this one on your radar!
4/5 stars
I really enjoyed this one. Great review!
Thank you! It was really good! 🙂