Title: Sleep Like Death
Author: Kalynn Bayron
Publisher: Bloomsbury YA
Publication date: June 25, 2024
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The Knight is only for those who are absolutely desperate to change their lot in life. He is an ancient monster who turns wishes into curses. Non knows this better than Eve, who has lived her entire life training to defeat the Knight. With her ability to speak to animals and conjure weapons from nature, she seems like the only one has the ability to defeat him.
As more people are harmed by the Knight’s deals, Eve decides that it might be finally time to defeat him. But when the queen starts actly strange, Eve has to figure out if she truly has the power to defeat the Knight.
Review: Sleep Like Death
Thanks to NetGalley and Bloomsbury YA for an advanced copy of Sleep Like Death by Kalynn Bayron to review! I have thoroughly enjoyed all of Bayron’s books since reading Cinderella Is Dead, and this book sees us return to that world. If you like fairytale inspired books and haven’t read her books yet, definitely pick them up.
I will say, this isn’t necessarily a retelling; it feels more like a Snow White inspired book. The characteres are all well developed; Eve is such an interesting main character; she is willing to take her own destiny into her hands, and not afraid to confront conflict. In general, the characters were what made this book for me. In addition to Eve, there’s a wonderful cast of side characters that help her on her journey.
However, I was as drawn into the plot in this one as I have been in other Bayron’s books. There are quite a few different plot lines happening at the same time, and I think that slows down the book slightly. Pairing some of those down would have made the book even more engaging.
All in all, not a bad fairytale retelling, but maybe not my favorite of Bayron’s books thus far.
3.5/5 stars