Title: Twenty-Four Seconds from Now…
Author: Jason Reynolds
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication date: October 8, 2024
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Neon and Aria have been dating for two years, and they’ve finally committed to having sex. At least, if Neon can get out of his own head. Follow their relationship backwards as Neon gets dating and relationship advice from various people in his life. Some of it better than others.
Review: Twenty-Four Seconds from Now…
Thanks to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for an advanced copy of Tweny-Four Seconds from Now… by Jason Reynolds to review! Of course, I’m going to automatically want to read anything Jason Reynolds puts out because he’s such a gifted writer. And this book definitely doesn’t disappoint! Reynolds nails those teenage relationship emotions from the beginning.
One of the things I liked best about this book is the variety of advice that Neon gets as he talks to different people in his life. It shows that having these open conversations with teens better prepares them than just ignoring it. This book is an excellent framework for those conversations with teens, but also allows teens to explore just by reading this book.
In true Jason Reynolds fashion, this book is lyrical, with great dialogue and characters that absolutely leap off the page. It’s not a long read, but it’s definitely an important one. It might be one of my favorite Jason Reynolds books to date!
5/5 stars