Title: Build a Girlfriend
Author: Elba Luz
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication date: January 14, 2025
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In the Hernandez family, every romantic relationship is cursed to come to an untimely end. So, it’s no surprise to her family that Amelia once again finds herself single. But Amelia is convinced that she is going to be the one to break the cycle.
To learn from her past mistakes, Amelia has decided to embark on a tour of exes, trying to figure out what went wrong in each relationship. With this information, she will become un-breakupable. When Leon, her first true heartbreak, enters the scenes, it’s her chance to get a little revenge, too. But what happens when she starts to develop feelings for Leon instead?
Review: Build a Girlfriend
Thanks to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for an advanced copy of Build a Girlfriend by Elba Luz to review! I downloaded this one because the premise sounded like a good time, and I definitely wasn’t wrong. This book will add a ray of sunshine to what is a dreary month (January).
While Amelia, our star, is a well-developed, well-rounded character, the cast behind her was as well. One of the highlights is Amelia’s interactions with her family, who are all trying to give her dating advice. Even though none of them have technically had a successful romantic relationship. It works together to create some great rom-com moments.
In addition, we get to learn more about Amelia by going through her past relationships with her. Not only do we get to see how she’s grown in the past, but also how she’s growing throughout the course of the story. All the characters and plot points really work well together to create a funny, well thought-out story.
All in all, if you need a fun rom-com to get you through the winter season, definitely pick this book up in January!
4/5 stars