Title: Tea You at the Altar
Author: Rebecca Thorne
Publisher: Tor Books
Publication date: March 4, 2025
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It’s almost time for Kianthe and Reyna to walk down the aisle. As with any wedding, there is lots to do. But as expected, nothing seems to be going to plan. With baby dragons causing chaos, Kianthe’s parents coming to down, and being dragged into a plot to overthow Queen Tilaine, hopefully they can make it to the altar alive.
Review: Tea You at the Altar
Thanks to NetGalley and Tor Books for an advanced copy of Tea You at the Altar by Rebecca Thorne to review! Cozy fantasy is definitely where it’s at the at the moment, and Rebecca Thorne has nailed it once again. I love reading about Kianthe and Reyna, and I am excited that we get to see them in one more book! Especially with the cliffhanger at the end of this one.
What I love about this series is that it’s cozy with some higher stakes. Kianthe and Reyna are actively fighting to make their kingdom better, but we still get to return to the tea/bookshop and the little found family they’ve created. There’s a wonderful, colorful cast of characters here that you’ll wish you could be a part of this little community. And who doesn’t love a fantasy wedding?
I enjoy the fact that each book in this series expands the world a little more. Rebecca Thorne’s writing seems to get better with every book, and the baby dragons were just a bonus for me. I can’t wait to see how Kianthe and Reyna’s adventures end in the final installment!
4/5 stars