Delirium It’s an intriguing concept, isn’t it? Love being a disease. This is the premise for Lauren Oliver’s new book, Delirium. Delirium is set in a future society where scientists have found a cure for love. At 18, everyone is required to go through a procedure where they will be cured of this disease, calledRead More
This is the latest (and final) book that I had to read for my vampire class. It has quite an interesting take on the original vampire myth, in that vampires and humans co-exist in symbiosis. Once a human is bitten by a vampire, neither can live without the other. It’s quite an interesting concept, oneRead More
Book Series Can Be Annoying
I have finished Crescendo, shortly after I wrote the last post actually. But I haven’t had time to write about it yet because I have been frantically writing my Twilight paper, which I have finished! Thank goodness. Writing 15 pages about Twilight is hard work. Anyway, back to Crescendo. Nora never redeemed herself. She stayedRead More
Annoying Main Characters
By now, you know that I can’t stand Bella. She’s the main reason for my dislike of Twilight (among other things). However, I have finished re-reading those books for my research paper and have moved on to better things. Well….not necessarily better. I’m currently reading Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick and the main character is drivingRead More
I know. You’re probably thinking, “I can’t believe she’s reading Twilight.” Especially when I’m such a huge Harry Potter fan. However, it’s the truth. I am indeed reading Twilight. Re-reading, I should probably say. Yes, I’ve read Twilight before. In my defense, I started reading it before all the hype around it began. And thenRead More
Starlighter: Darn Cliff Hanger Endings
I finished Starlighter the other night. It was one of those things where I told myself that I’d only read for like 20 minutes and then go to bed, but ended up reading until I was finished with the book. So….I didn’t actually go to sleep until 2 in the morning. However, it was wellRead More
Side Note: Stephen King
So I’m kinda reading two books at the same time, which I don’t usually do. I like being able to completely immerse myself in one story and not become confused with trying to keep two different stories straight. I don’t really understand how people can do it. The only reason I am doing it (andRead More
Dragons: An Interesting Twist
I am currently reading Starlight by Bryan Davis. First, a little background. It’s a book where dragons and magic are real (my favorite kind of book). Here’s the summary from booklist (it was easier than writing my own, since I haven’t finished the book yet): “Jason is an excellent swordsman who grew up pretending toRead More
A “Geektastic” Experience
So I’ve finished Geektastic and I must say that overall, I liked it quite a bit. It was humorous in some places, sad in others, which always makes for a great book. That perfect mixture of depressing and happy things. Yes, there are some completely depressing books out there (basically anything written by JodiRead More
Geeks Galore
I’m currently reading Geektastic, a collection of short stories about geek-like things. So far, I’m really enjoying it, though I’ve only read about two stories, both of which were about Star Wars. I liked the stories, but as a fellow geek, I felt I couldn’t really relate to them because, I’ll admit it, I’ve onlyRead More