Title: In the Wild Light Author: Jeff Zentner Publisher: Random House Children’s Publication date: August 10, 2021 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Bookshop.org | Book Depository | Goodreads | StoryGraph Summary Cash’s life hasn’t been easy so far. Growing up in a small town in Tennessee, he lost his mom to an opioid addiction, and his grandfather isRead More
Review: May the Best Man Win
Title: May the Best Man Win Author: ZR Ellor Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Publishing Publication date: May 18, 2021 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Bookshop.org | Book Depository | Goodreads | StoryGraph Summary After coming out as transgender, Jeremy is ready to take the homecoming competition by storm. After all, it’s one of the only ways for the administrationRead More
Bite Size Reviews: Week of 5/1
Hello friends! We’re officially done with the first week of May, and what a whirlwind week it was! My sister graduated from college today, and tomorrow is Mother’s Day. I have a feeling that May will go by just as quickly as April did. For the Week of 5/1, I read a total of 11Read More
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Book Recs
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! So today, we’re going to be talking about some great books by authors from the AAPI community. There’s been a rise in anti-Asian hate crimes since the COVID pandemic began, mostly because of the racist idea being spread that it’s a “Chinese virus.” A lot ofRead More
Review: Wynd Book One
Title: Wynd Book One: Flight of the Prince Author: James Tynion IV Publisher: BOOM! Studios Publication date: May 11, 2021 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Bookshop.org | Book Depository | Goodreads | StoryGraph Summary Wynd lives in Pipetown, where having magical blood is a punishable offense. Unfortunately, Wynd’s pointy ears give him away, soRead More
Top Five Wednesday: April Showers Bring May Flowers
Hello friends and happy Wednesday! I still can’t believe that it’s May already, where has the time gone? However, that does mean warmer weather, which I’m really excited about. And that brings us to the theme of today’s post! April showers bring May flowers! In other words, we’re going to be talking about books thatRead More
Character Playlist: August // One Last Stop
Hello friends! It’s the beginning of a new month, which means it’s time for a new playlist! One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston comes out next month, and I decided to do a playlist for it! Specifically, a playlist for the main character, August. Mostly because I was inspired by one song. Plus, this book isRead More
Bite Size Reviews: Week of 4/24
I know I just did a monthly Wrap Up post yesterday, but you still get my mini reviews for the week! For the Week of 4/24, I read a total of 9 books. Which is so much reading! We were slow at work this week, so I did a decent amount of reading at theRead More
April 2021 Wrap Up
Friends, it’s the end of April already! Where did the month go? That means that it’s time for my April 2021 Wrap Up! I’ve got quite a few books to review in May and June, so be prepared for those. Though I did do quite a few in April, too. Thanks to getting so manyRead More
Review: Meet Cute Diary
Title: Meet Cute Diary Author: Emery Lee Publisher: HarperCollins Publication date: May 4, 2021 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Bookshop.org | Book Depository | Goodreads | StoryGraph Summary Noah Ramirez runs the popular blog, Meet Cute Diary, which is a collection of trans happily ever afters. The only problem? They’re all fake, even though people think they’re real.Read More
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