Somehow, it’s already the end of May, which means that Book Con is officially tomorrow! I’ll have a post next week outlining my experience there. But! You can follow my weekend over on Instagram or Twitter. I’ll be on both throughout the weekend. This month was an amazing reading month for me. I read aRead More
Review: Call It What You Want
Title: Call It What You Want Author: Brigid Kemmerer Publisher: Bloomsbury YA Publication Date: June 25, 2019 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Goodreads Summary After his dad was found stealing funds from his clients and attempted suicide, Rob goes from social star to social pariah. After all, everyone thinks he was in on his dad’s scheme, even hisRead More
Top 5 Wednesday: 5 Books Featuring Mental Health
So, I know that I already did a Mental Health Awareness post this month. It was actually my Read to Resist post for May; I talked about some of my top Mental Health books in YA. Which, this list will probably fall along similar lines. However, there are so many more books on this topic.Read More
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books from the Last 10 Years
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday post took a little bit of research. The main gist of it is your favorite books released from the last 10 years. One book per year. It’s fun to look back and see what books were published in the last 10 years! Especially since 10 years ago I was inRead More
Avengers Endgame Review
Since the movie has been out for a month now, I figured it’s finally time for my Avengers Endgame review! I’ve been holding off because I didn’t really want to spoil it for anyone. But a month is plenty of time to see it! Especially since the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer has also been released. AndRead More
Summer Binge Worthy Series
Continuing the theme of yesterday’s post, let’s talk about binge worthy series! The summer is a great time to blow throw long book series, especially if they’re all published! You can just read one after the other and not worry about having to wait for the next book. Bonus, you’ll know you’ll have a bunchRead More
5 June Releases to Watch Out For
When thinking of posts for today, June releases is the first thing that came to mind! Honestly, though, how is it almost June already? It seems like May just got started and here we are at the end. But! That means I get to go to BookCon soon, which I am beyond excited for. ARead More
Review: This Might Hurt a Bit
Title: This Might Hurt a Bit Author: Doogie Horner Publisher: Simon Pulse Publication Date: June 4, 2019 Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Goodreads Summary Kirby Burns and his family moved to Shucksburg to escape the memories of their previous house–and his sister who passed away from cancer. As the one year anniversary for her death creeps up, KirbyRead More
Top 5 Wednesday: Emerald Book Covers
This week’s Top 5 Wednesday post features emerald book covers! Since all the leaves and such are back, it seems like a fitting topic for spring. But it did take some thinking. I had to do a little bit of research in order to find these five books. However, I found them! And they createRead More
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Movie Adaptations
It feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Top Ten Tuesday post, so this week is movie adaptations! Adaptations can be hit or miss when it comes to your favorite books. Honestly, there are so many things the movie makers can get wrong. When it’s your favorite book, any small change can beRead More
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